
About Us

Li Med one of the fastest growing Pharmaceutical Companies in India, was promoted by a group of young and experienced professionals and businessmen with the aim of providing International quality pharmaceutical products at very competitive and affordable pricing and also with the commitment to maintain highest standards and by adhering to the norms set by the Government of India. With the backing of strong brand management and a vision for scalability, Li Med Labs is poised to emerge as the Leader in the Indian pharma segment with the active support of its team of highly proficient industry professionals and also by partnering with established C&Fs and Stockists across India. We take pride in recording successful and consistent management of new product launches and exploring new territories across India..

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Pregalife M

Pregabalin is a medication used to treat epilepsy, neuropathic pain, fibromyalgia, restless leg syndrome, and generalized anxiety disorder. Its use in epilepsy is as an add-on therapy for partial seizures. When used before surgery, it reduces pain but results in greater sedation and visual disturbances.


Methylcobalamin:is an essential nutrient for neurons and is known as an energy vitamin and supports our immune system. This is also essential for critical functions of our body like formation of red blood cell etc, retards aging of the brain, boosts nerve myelination, regularizes sleep patterns and decreases serum homocysteine levels. This is called VIT B12 and supports bone health and prevent osteoporosis also.


Indications & Usage:

• Used for diabetic neuropathy and peripheral neuropathy
• Helps the body make healthy new cells
• Protects cells from oxidative damage