The exact mechanism of action is not entirely known. But it is thought that the primary mechanism of action for its anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and analgesic action is inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis by inhibition of COX.
Diclofenac has a low to moderate preference to block COX2 isoenzyme hence provide lesser incidence of gastro-intestinal complaints noted than indomethacin and aspirin.
Pain and inflammation
Rheumatoid arthritis
Ankylosing spondylitis
Serratiopeptidase (Serrapeptase) is an oral enzyme and is derived from E15 serapeptasea proteolytic enzyme produced by a microorganism, Serratia sp. present in the silkworm intestine. It is commercially processed through fermentation. Serratiopeptidase is available for clinical use for more than a decade. It has high enzyme activity including potent anti-inflammatory, antioedema, bradykinin decomposing ability, fibrin clot lyzing activity, sputum and pus liquefying activity. Serrapeptase, like aspirin, is both anti-inflammatory and anticlotting. However, unlike aspirin serrapeptase can melt through existing fibrous deposits. Serrapeptase also lacks the serious gastrointestinal side effects associated with chronic use of NSAIDs such as aspirin
- Trauma Surgery: In sports injuries, fractures, dislocation and Osteoarthritis etc., Serratiopeptidase reduces inflammation and helps in faster healing and repair.
- Surgery: Serratiopeptidase reduces post-operative Oedema at injection sites. Serratiopeptidase reduces internal tissue oedema and inflammation caused at post-operative handling. Reduction in oedema reduces chances of rupture at tissue as well as risk of in case of plastic surgery graft rejection.
Respiratory Medicine: Serratiopeptidase breaks down complex sputum molecules into smaller peptidase of lower viscosity, helping in expectorating them more easily. Reduced viscosity of secretion helps in better antibiotic penetration to enable control over stubborn infections like bronchitis, lung abscess. - ENT: Serratiopeptidase has Mucolytic activity in sinuses, ear cavities and anti -inflammatory activity in upper respiratory tract organs help in faster resolution, better antibiotic bioavailability and faster cure rates.
- Dermatology: Serratiopeptidase is used in acute painful inflamed dermatitis.
- Dentistry: Serratiopeptidase helps in better control over dental infections and inflammation.
- Obstetrics & Gynaecology: The anti-inflammatory activity of Serratiopeptidase helps in resolution of post-partum haematomas, breast engorgements and pregnancy related thrombophlebitis.
- Male Genital Infection: Serratiopeptidase restores microcirculation and augments antibiotic penetration in these organs which are known to produce poor antibiotic availability.
In all infective condition associated with inflammation: When combined with antibiotics it increases the concentration of the antibiotic at the site of infection this helps in faster control of infection and inflammation
Serratiopeptidase binds to alpha-2 macroglobulin in the blood, which helps to mask its antigenicity and is slowly transferred to the site of inflammation. Serratiopeptidase hydrolyses bradykinin, histamine and serotonin responsible for inflammation. Serrapeptase eliminates inflammatory oedema and swelling by improving the circulation at the inflammatory focus by breaking down abnormal exudates and protein.
This should be administered strictly with the prescription and advise of medical practitioners only.